ODRC Director Visits LEAF Meeting

 ODRC Director Visits LEAF Meeting


Director Ishee takes notes

ODRC Director Ishee takes notes as LEAF leader Bernie talks about issues facing prison families.

This past Thursday Todd Ishee, Northeast Regional Director for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (ODRC) took time away from work and his family to talk with our families in Cleveland eastside LEAF group.   He inspired hope as he spoke of changes and initiates of the ODRC as it takes more interest in families.  He also asked our patience and explained ODRC is like a big ship with a large crew.  It takes time to change course and get the message out to the crew.   Patience is easy to talk about, but difficult to practice when the phone rings and it’s your loved one calling from prison!  However it is good to know there is progress in this area and we appreciate his efforts.

The question period was exceptionally enlightening with families spilling their heart over real life issues they face today.   We heard of a possible unfair treatment, a possible neglected medical condition and several other heart-felt concerns.  Mr. Ishee listened intently, took copious notes and made promises in areas he felt were within his control or influence.   We also heard stories from families  where ODRC employees were exceptionally helpful and those are good for Director Ishee to hear as well!   He needs encouragement too!


In addition Director Ishee brought several information pieces for us that explain various programs at different facilities and family guides (also available on the specific prisons website).   As time permits, I hope to push some of this information up to our website’s resource section as well.


Overall I thought it was an excellent meeting and I hope Director Ishee returns to Columbus with more insight into the needs and concerns of inmate families.   We look forward to having him or his staff back to this or other LEAF meetings.

Updated: July 21, 2015 — 12:08 pm