The majority of all inmates will return to society and become your neighbor! Is it in your best interest to have them angry and frustrated or is it better to extend a helping hand and assist with their reentry?
Reentry is one of the largest challenges facing society and an inmate upon release. Ohio’s recidivism rate is one of the lowest in the country, but still more than 1 in 4 released inmates fail to integrate successfully into society. It is a frustrating and trying process for both the family and the newly released inmate. A big obstacle is finding answers to the most basic of questions like…
- Where can I get a copy of my birth certificate?
- How to I contact Social Security for a new card?
- Where can I find temporary food and shelter?
- Is there any housing assistance available?
- Where can I get clothing for an interview?
- Where can I go for health issue?
- Who will hire me?
Fortunately, the Ohio Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation have published a M.U.S.C.L.E (Make Use of Service Can Lead to Empowerment) reentry resource guide that compiles many local resources that answer these basic questions. A M.U.S.C.L.E reentry resource is available for each of the 88 counties in Ohio. Click to get your counties Reentry Resource Guide.
Ashland, Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Summit, Trumbull, Wayne,
Lorain County 49-9 Project Reentry Resource
Those in Lorain County are particularly blessed with the Salvation Army’s 49-9 Project Resource. This reentry resource, published by the Salvation Army of Lorain County contains information similar to the M.U.S.C.L.E file linked above, but has more detail and a more complete listing for the county. It’s a great “go-to” resource!
Summit County Reentry Resource
The Summit County Reentry Network offers “SCRNRoad Map for Successful Reentry. This 74 page resource is a cornucopia of Summit County resources! It includes practical information and several suggestions along the way. Their website also contain job hunting tips, job resources and networking opportunities. It’s worth a visit! Click here.
Please email us if you know of any other Ohio county inmate and family reentry resources.