Category: News

Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA)

Sen. Rob Portman’s Bi-Partisan Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) Heads to President’s Desk to Combat Opioid & Heroin Epidemic Note:  the following was adapted from a forwarded email by Jo Frayer in the ODRC, Northeast Regional Office regarding the announcement of the new CARA law. Good afternoon,  I wanted to make sure you saw the […]

Smarter Sentencing Reform

Sentencing Reform There’s a growing movement across the country for sentencing and prison reform.  Many are realizing our current system does not meet the needs of societies current problems.  We can no longer afford, both financially or socially, to maintain the attitude of “lock’em up and throw away the key”.    Here are two recent […]

More Articles of Interest…

More Articles of Interest Did you know more articles of interest get posted to our Facebook page then get reprinted here in the blog section?  Why is that?   Simple.  There are more good articles of possible interest than the LEAF Ministry website staff (humor!) have time to work on.  Some actually have day jobs.   With […]

Justice Department: More family-friendly prisons

The following article appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.  A companion article appears on with a single poll question looking for your opinion.  I encourage all LEAF families to read the article and participate in the poll.  It appears anonymous since no log-in is required.  Please participate.   The online article can be found […]

Block Party with a Purpose

“Block Party with a Purpose”  will Display Prison Art   The Station Hope block party event takes place on April 30th at St. John’s Episcopal Church in downtown Cleveland.  It will feature works of art from inmates of the Grafton Correctional Institute.  If you

Articles of Interest

Below are several articles which may be of interest for our LEAF families.  These articles deal with proposed changes to or current actions in the Justice System.  If you can relate or are in agreement with one or more of these editorial/opinion pieces I encourage you to get involved in the process.  This is major […]

Punishment Rate

Punishment Rate Higher Than Suggested This new report by the Pew Charitable Trusts suggests the U.S. is more punitive with its punishment rates than previously thought. Overview Researchers, policymakers, and the public rely on a variety of statistics to measure how society punishes crime. Among the most common is the imprisonment rate—the number of people […]

Prison and White Collar Crime

Several of our LEAF families have members incarcerated due to a “white collar” crime.  The article below originally appeared on as a review of a more weighty study on the effectiveness of current sentencing in deterring others from committing a “white collar” crime.  Also referenced is a New York Times article on the same […]

JPay Lantern Tablet

MIAMI, Nov. 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — JPay is proud to officially announce the success of JPay’s Lantern, the company’s education initiative that is currently deployed in Ohio prisons, enabling mass education of prison inmates through the use of tablets. Developed in conjunction with the Correctional Education Association, Lantern utilizes a Learning Management System to host […]

Hope and Freedom Through Art

HOPE AND FREEDOM THROUGH ART An Innovative Art Show to Open Prison Art Expresses Hope and Freedom   An Art Show giving expression to the creative spirit and the desire for expression which is at the heart of each person, Hope and Freedom Through Art, will display the work being done by the men and […]